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Becoming an EFT Practitioner

I decided to do the EFT and NLP therapist courses for myself, to help myself. During the course, my heart felt burning hot when I saw how I could help others deal with their issues. I got great feedback from the people I worked with, and my current clients.


I saw how EFT helped me. I see how it helps my clients. And I would like to use the knowledge of the methods like EFT and NLP to help others to deal with their shit, that's been hunting them for years.


I wish to use my life experience, there I had contact with constant violence, aggression, abuse, manipulation, and God knows what else, and the ability to listen to those things without being overwhelmed, to help others. The thought of helping others to deal with their negative experiences warms my heart.


I know how difficult it is to go through life unhappy, repeating the negative patterns that you were taught in your childhood, not even being aware of it.


I know how others just don't have the capacity to listen to things similar to those that happened to me. 


I know how lonely it is to be with it, feeling that there's no help.


I know how difficult it is to become aware that something is not OK. That maybe one or two unsuccessful relationships is OK, but 5… or 6… and that one there… the most horrible one… If it’s repeating, and the constant is me (you), but everything around is variable (men/women, people, places, countries, work), and a negative thing keeps repeating — we have a negative pattern somewhere…


Maybe you, like me, have been told all your childhood and life that “It’s you, not me”, leaving you feeling guilty of all the misery of the world?


I am trying to find my way to let others know I am here. I don't post videos of myself crying when doing physical exercises. I have done many exercises in my life, and none of them even touched my trauma 🤔.


I don't want to have videos telling others how to THEORETICALLY deal with negative experiences from their childhood, or psychologically analyse abused people's psyche. When I was that person with trauma, those videos only made me feel sad. I felt I was helpless. Not only were my problems pointed out to me, and how damaged I was, but I was left with that information alone, to myself.

I have lived through things that you might relate to. I survived them and I have healed from some of them - maybe many, or maybe just enough, or maybe it's just the tip of the iceberg I touched. I don't know how deep the holes are that my parents made in me.


Sometimes, I get tired of finding yet another one. But most of the time I am determined to dig in. It gets easier with each time. EFT calms me down when I think or talk about those wounds. None of the three psychologist was able to achieve that.


I am very much aware that I was severely programmed by my parents and family, but I am alive. And this is my expertise I want to share with others — it is possible to heal from your childhood nightmares, and EFT helps enormously with it. Not only with that...


There were serious consequences in my life stemming from that toxic environment my family created. Sexual assaults, toxic relationships, self-sabotage, feelings of not belonging and feeling different, a sense of unworthiness, financial difficulties and suicidal thoughts... the list is long. Some points I've already crossed out. Others are still on the list. I wonder what else is there that I don't know about? 😉


If you’re willing, have a look at my website and get to know me. Read how EFT and I could try to be there for you.

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